Congratulations you are in

I say congratulations because I know the value that you are about to consume. Very soon you will be on your way to realizing the full potential of  Microsoft 365 and become 1% better everyday.

What’s Next?


Add me to your contacts

Be sure to add these email addresses ([email protected] and [email protected]) to your contacts so that the emails end up in your main inbox rather than promotions or spam.


Watch out for your first training

Keep an eye out in your INBOX for the delivery of your first training session. While you wait there are a few down below there to get you up excited about what to expect.


Time back in your day

One of the things that we value the most and canot make more of is time. But what I can help with is reducing the amount of time that you are wasting with gathering signatures on documents. You can thank me later ?

Here are some of the latest trainings delivered to get you started.

Join the Modern Work Collective

Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team.

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Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Remediation

The Modern Work Collective Microsoft Teams remediation engagement helps you get an understanding and a handle on your Microsoft Teams environment. First step, complete the below form and we will be in touch to organise an initial consultation call.

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Approval Process Automation Masterclass

Learn how to and what the benefits are of automating your approval processes

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The Ultimate Content TypeMasterclass

Learn what a Content Type really is and how to implement them in your SharePoint environment for better inromation management.

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