The Microsoft 365 Private Roster

Coaching + Consulting


Private Roster



Three months of unlimited direct access


Multiple contact points and as often as you like


The fee is non-refundable, no exceptions

guided option



Three months of unlimited direct access


Detailed strategy and execution plan with specific completion dates


Formal, agreed schedule of times to discuss accomplishments and obstacles and next steps

Total immersion program



Three months of unlimited direct access


One on ones with me on two separate occasions


Team members and other stakeholders are welcome to attend

3 Programs explained

Private Roster

The private roster coaching program is three months of unlimited access to me by e-mail, phone, Microsoft Teams, regular mail, etc. I help you and or your business strategically (including but not limited to) :

  • How to improve business operations using Microsoft 365
  • How to communicate effectively with SharePoint, Viva and Microsoft Teams
  • How to automate your business processes
  • What to use when to increase user adoption
  • How to protect your senstive data
  • Provide guidance on Microsoft Teams and SharePoint governance
  • Improve user productivity
  • + more

and tactically (including but not limited to)

  • What tool to use for different scenarios. 
  • Advise and best practises for implement a change and adoption plan for a successful Microsoft 365 implementation.
  • Analysing business processes to determine what processes to automate.
  • Help, advise and strategies in overcoming objections.
  • Planning the training of users and departments and gathering resources
  • Determine what data to protect with Sensitivity Label, Retention Policies and Retention Labels
  • + more

The fee is $3,500(USD), which distinguishes those who are serious about leveraging Microsoft 365 in their business and ensuring ROI, and is easily recouped through increased productivity, employee time saving, improved business processes, improved employee engagement, resulting in business growth and scalability.

Admission is limited. If there are no openings there is a “first come, first served” waiting list.

We will reach a mutual decision as to whether the program is right for you. If it is, we begin with documenting your current environment, situation, expectations, and fundamental value propositions. You then establish your coaching goals. Some people call daily, some weekly, some monthly. The frequency and style are up to you. I return all phone calls and email within agreed-upon times.

The fee is required to begin the process or to claim a place on the waiting list. The fee is non-refundable, no exceptions.

Guided Option

Some individuals and businesses who require a highly structured relationship with additional accountability for meeting their goals may qualify for Guided Coaching. In this version of the program we choose those areas which are of highest priority and create:

  • A detailed game plan with specific completion dates, and
  • A formal schedule of contact times to discuss accomplishments and any obstacles preventing short-term tasks from being completed. We will enforce completion dates and task accomplishment.

The areas we may deal with include engaging with other stakeholders and performing interviews and surveys, creating SharePoint pages for specific scenarios like Tools dashboards and FAQ’s, working through businesses processes that can be transformed with Power Automate flows, planning and architecting the ultimate Intranet, working with departments and project teams to use Microsoft Team effectively, user engagement and sentiment analysis, creating a Microsoft 365 governance plan, plan retention polies, create file plans and retention labels, create an efficient and effective sensitivity label process and architecture, define a scalable information architecture, etc.

We would generally choose three or four, I would provide a template with specific tasks and completion dates, and we establish formal schedules for those completion dates. The Guided Program provides for externally-enforced discipline, in that you are accountable for specific completion activities on certain dates on which I follow-up with you.

The Guided Program is recommended for those at any level of their role and any level of Microsoft 365 maturity who feel the need for increased structure, whose intellectual curiosity and talent cause them to wander from task to task prior to completion, and who require more urgency in creating results. This version of the Coaching Program is available for $6,500(USD).

Total Immersion Experience

For people / businesses who want to “jump start” their process, I offer “total immersion.” Essentially becoming part of your businesses and move from strategy, advise and consultant and include the execution components. This consists of one on ones on two separate occasions, at your location and meet with you and your key stakeholders, so you can learn how to take advantage of Microsoft 365, work together on your technology roadmap, implement security and compliance processes to secure your information, Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Governance and Control, analyze usage reports and identify problem areas to focus on, custom solution development etc.

We will also spend considerable time on your strategy and goals, and create plans to move forward. I recommend where possible that the days be split, with one about 90 days after the other.

Other key stakeholders and employees are welcome to attend as much of the discussions as you or they like.

You also enter the regular Coaching Program for 1 month post. The fee for total immersion, including the 1-month Coaching Program, is $9,500(USD). (All expenses are included while we work together.)

Private Roster



Six months of unlimited direct access


Multiple contact points and as often as you like


The fee is non-refundable, no exceptions

guided option



Six months of unlimited direct access


Detailed strategy and execution plan with specific completion dates


Formal, agreed schedule of times to discuss accomplishments and obstacles and next steps

Total immersion program



Six months of unlimited direct access


One on ones with me on two separate occasions


Team members and other stakeholders are welcome to attend

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