G’day there,

At the macro level, I work with and help businesses achieve strategic outcomes, and get results by improving communication, operations, collaboration and at the core how businesses function by making the most of the Microsoft 365 platform.

At the micro level, I coach groups and individuals to ensure they are experiencing work in a new way, working smarter not harder, being more productive and ultimately saving each and every person time. An asset we all want more of.

I believe in industry disruption, challenging the status quo and as a Microsoft MVP (Most Valued Professional), I have the experience, platform, and opportunity to do that.


Working with me

There are a few key ways in which you can work and engage with me. Please reach out out.

Daily Training

Everyday I deliver training content to Modern Work Collective subscribers. Delivered directly to your inbox.

In addition once you subscribe you will be granted access to the entire content library.

Group Coaching Program

In 2023 I am helping people like you get results and outcomes the way you want. It’s 3 months of group coaching, monthly training on making the most of the Microsoft 365 platform.

You will look back and be empowered and fulfilled from the work you do over this period of time


Strategy and Business Consulting

I work with individuals and businesses that I work with in a coaching capacity.

It’s three months of weekly coaching (12 sessions) to get you the results you’re after in your business.

Whether you’re trying to start, fix, or scale your business using Microsoft 365, I can help you.

Get immediate help with Microsoft 365

Are you struggle with something, got a question, need to know something or just need a chat about strategy and direction let’s talk

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Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Remediation

The Modern Work Collective Microsoft Teams remediation engagement helps you get an understanding and a handle on your Microsoft Teams environment. First step, complete the below form and we will be in touch to organise an initial consultation call.

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Approval Process Automation Masterclass

Learn how to and what the benefits are of automating your approval processes

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The Ultimate Content TypeMasterclass

Learn what a Content Type really is and how to implement them in your SharePoint environment for better inromation management.

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