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“Daniel clearly illustrates the business benefits and challenges of the rapid changes in Microsoft 365 tech. It is essential content for every adoption specialist.”

Steve Black

Senior Collaboration Engineer

“Daniel’s content gives me fresh ideas with Microsoft 365 every single time I look. Even if I can’t use the tip or trick myself there’s an element of the business that would make good use of the easy to follow information.”

Heidi Good

IT Training Manager

“Daniel’s content deftly straddles the line between technical administration and user adoption. I am a Teams admin and a tech trainer so I rely on Daniel’s ability to know what will be useful in business context and give me the basics. This means i spend less time figuring out how M365 works and more time helping the org figure out how to use the tools.”

Sharyn Mayne

Technology Lead - Productivity and Collaboration

“It’s said that real improvements come from the small steps and the 1% changes you make. Daniel’s Microsoft 365 Boost does exactly that for you. Without even realising it, after reading these bite-size chunks of info, you begin to feel like a productivity expert for Microsoft 365!”

Richard Ing

Business Developement Executive

“Concise Daily Insights into the Power of O365 that I can confidently put into Action Immediately.”

Chris TR

Your Agile Mind

“What I love about Daniel’s work is that he provides practical guidance on how you can implement good practice Microsoft 365 usage”

Richard Maybury

Managing Consultant

Join thousands of Microsoft 365 users, IT Pro’s and business leaders in our daily newsletter.

“Daniel’s tips and guides are an incredible resource for getting the most out of the Microsoft365 products, especially Teams, Sharepoint and Lists. Daniel’s style is very relaxed and engaging. The sessions are easy to follow, and it’s rare to not glean at least one new concept a week. “

Jodie Ryan

Director & Health IT Consultant

“Daniel Anderson is a highly professional, MVP Microsoft 365 and a great Coach. I love his Daily Doses. I strongly recommend Daniel.”

Francois Gamonnet


I find Daniels videos really interesting, showing real life examples of how Microsoft 365 can be utilised in the workplace. I knew very little about Power Automate and feel I now have a good grasp of its benefits in improving productivity. I also find the information about the Microsoft Teams updates I should expect to see before they land with my tenant particularly handy. The videos are all short and to the point and well thought out. Thank you.”

Lara Mellor

Microsoft Trainer and MD

“High recommend Daniel’s daily dose. Helpful, insightful and add has added a lot of value for us.”

Mark Bayliss

Head of Technology

Although a M365 power user, the knowledge nuggets provided daily by Daniel Anderson make my everyday life a lot easier! Highlighting issues that the world’s M365 community is asking for is an absolute hit!”

Efthimis Tzourdas

CEO Conartia

The content is refreshing and insightful. I learn half of the new releases just by following Daniel’s updates!”

Anuj Mehta


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The Modern Work Collective Microsoft Teams remediation engagement helps you get an understanding and a handle on your Microsoft Teams environment. First step, complete the below form and we will be in touch to organise an initial consultation call.

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Approval Process Automation Masterclass

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The Ultimate Content TypeMasterclass

Learn what a Content Type really is and how to implement them in your SharePoint environment for better inromation management.

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